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Just released: updates and enhancements to SignIT

The InfoTrack team is excited to announce a new and improved SignIT experience. Our electronic signatures just got a whole lot better, with enhancements to the look and feel as well as updated features and functionality that put more control into your hands.

What’s new

Here’s an overview of all the things that have changed or been improved on in this latest version of InfoTrack’s SignIt product.

Drag-and-drop to add documents and signature elements

It’s easier than ever to select which documents you need signed and to highlight which action you need the signer to take at each place in the document. Signatures, dates, initials, and more are clearly identified as you build the page you need signed.


Faster signature organization

Each signer you add to the document has a different color code, so any elements marked for that signer stand out from the rest of the document. Plus, users can rearrange the order in which a document must be signed in seconds by dragging and dropping signer names into the desired sequence.

Search and filter all your firm’s orders

Now you can easily see a full list of all the orders placed by users in your account. Check on the latest updates for each outstanding document and follow up on orders that have yet to be returned by signers.

Multi-document templates

Do you and your team often send the same kinds of documents to be signed again and again? Now you can create multiple different document templates and save time by applying templates that best fit your frequently used documents.

Customizable signer instructions

We’ve swapped in the default, one-size-fits-all instructions for executing the sent document to allow users to edit the instructions to provide detailed messaging to each signer.

Real-time status updates on which parties have signed

As soon as any one party has signed the document, you’ll receive a notification, allowing you to easily track the progress of your documents in real-time.

Bug fixes

As we’ve gone through and made upgrades to how our SignIT product works, we’ve also fixed various bugs and quirks that made ordering electronic signatures more challenging in certain scenarios. By fine-tuning every step of the process, we’ve ensured a seamless experience for every user to draft and send documents to be signed.


With an updated look and feel and more flexibility than ever before, InfoTrack’s new and improved SignIT offers a solution for signatures that is integrated and customizable for any firm’s needs.

Learn more about getting started with SignIT in our Support Center. Read more>>

Need some help setting up? Reach out to our team for personalized training and support. Request now>>


  • Lindsey Dean

    Lindsey Dean leads strategic marketing and growth at InfoTrack, where she is focused on exploring and sharing concepts and ideas in accessible and nuanced ways. She has been a writer and researcher in the legal profession for more than 6 years and has authored reports and articles on eFiling, service of process, trends in the legal support field, and more.

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