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Just for fun

The AI lawyer: will it ever happen?

As artificial intelligence gets better, we ask the question: will we ever see an AI lawyer? A former litigation attorney weighs in.

Just for fun

Mindful summer workouts for busy legal professionals

Having trouble finding balance between your busy legal career and your health and fitness goals? Try these mindful workout tips to help you de-stress and find your center this summer.

how to build in meditation practice at work in a law office
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Your complete guide to in-office meditation

Legal work is stressful. Learn to practice meditation in the office to lower your stress levels, boost your mood, and even make your other coworkers more calm.

how to spread more joy at your legal job
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The best ways to spread joy at work

Legal work can be stressful. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to spread more joy in the workplace. Even if you’re just making yourself smile every day, that makes a difference. Here’s how to do it.

how to cultivate gratitude within your legal career
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How (and why) to cultivate gratitude in your career and life

Gratitude is like a muscle. The more you work on it, the stronger it gets. Why does this matter in your legal career? Practicing gratitude at your legal job can help you feel happier, stay healthier, and make a positive difference to everyone around you.

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