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How integrated eFiling can improve efficiency in your firm

As critical as eFiling is for law firms, it is not the only part of legal practice that benefits from digital technology. Document management, billing, and invoicing are just some of the tasks that can be streamlined with the right software. So what if your eFiling software can integrate with a case management system that incorporates some or all of these functions? 

Let’s explore some of the possibilities of integrated eFiling below.

Minimize your websites with integration

A key advantage of integrated eFiling is the ability to minimize the number of websites attorneys and legal support staff need to log into. To see why, just look at the alternative to eFiling integration. 

With non-integrated eFiling, a typical user at the firm will already have a window open for their firm’s practice management software. Another window may be open for billing software, email, or other communication channels. To electronically file a document, the user will then typically need to (1) log into the eFiling platform, (2) manually enter the filing information, and (3) upload the document (or documents) to be filed.

Imagine the difference with integrated eFiling. From your client management software, the user could have a window open for one specific matter. You can draft documents and upload them to that matter. Then when the time comes for eFiling, you can then select the documents for filing and service directly from that same window, while remaining updated on filing status.

When you can perform eFiling from your primary software tool, it minimizes the number of platform logins and computer windows open. Let’s face it–the practice of law is overwhelming enough as it is. Anything that can reduce the overwhelm of legal technology is a worthwhile investment.

Maximize your case management 

eFiling integration also maximizes the value of your firm’s case management system. This is because integrated eFiling streamlines your firm’s communication with both the courts and other attorneys.

Within your CMS, any single matter can contain all the essential logistical information for that case, such as court, case type, and parties. Whenever a document is filed with integrated eFiling, that same information is established with the court and between the parties. This ensures accuracy and consistency throughout the litigation process.

Your firm’s case management will also benefit from fewer mistakes and higher levels of accuracy. Integrated eFiling can drastically reduce or even eliminate common filing mistakes such as the wrong case name or docket number. Instead, court filing and service information are prepopulated for each document. You can have access to the filed copies of any document, confirmed by the court, within the same system as all other documents.

You are already being pulled in more than enough directions by the demands of your casework. Cutting down on the time spent searching for information is one way to increase efficiency while getting to breathe easier.

Establish a single source of truth for data

You can also use eFiling integration to establish a single source of truth for case data. If there are multiple versions of any single document, law offices will not have to check multiple platforms to determine which version was filed with the court.  Any single aspect of the matter can be pinned down by consulting one case management platform. And when other functions can be added to the firm’s CMS, such as billing and expenses, this streamlines case oversight even more.

Streamline your firm’s revenue cycle with integrated billing

Tracking filing expenses, then ensuring those expenses are billed to the client, are more tedious tasks that can benefit from automation. The accounting headaches involved with billing are a huge burden to most firms.  In addition, the inefficiencies in this process slow down the firm’s revenue cycle through billing delays and inaccuracies.

When your eFiling is integrated with the billing and invoicing functions of its CMS, the possibilities truly open wide. The costs associated with any eFiling can be automatically expensed and billed to the client. This allows much higher accuracy and speed in your collections, as well as a welcome relief to accounting and support staff.

If you are considering integrated eBilling, be aware that the eBilling software provider will need to have established relationships with your firm’s CMS provider. Schedule a demo with InfoTrack today to see about the possibilities we offer for eBilling integration.


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